When purchasing a product through this website, we will collect and process your personal information. Therefore, we provide you with the following information so that you are aware of how we are going to process your data and the rights you have to control it.
The data is recorded in a database owned by ONYX ARGENTINA, with address at Gabriela Mistral 2331, Villa Pueyrredón, Capital Federal.
The personal data that we collect for the purposes explained in this Statement are:
contact and billing information (such as first and last name, email, document number, tax identification, address)
We want you to know that you are under no obligation to provide us with detailed personal information, although refusal or inaccuracy to provide them will prevent us from providing the services or products offered on this site. The inaccuracy or falsity of the personal data that you provide could cause damage to your rights or interests, ours or third parties.
Your personal data detailed above is collected and processed for the following purposes:
purchasing and billing processing
The use of your data for any other purpose that is not compatible with those detailed, will be communicated to you before we proceed with its treatment.
We promise not to sell, disseminate, transfer or otherwise distribute your personal data to third parties, except in the cases provided in this Privacy Statement.
In this sense, we inform you that (ONYX ARGENTINA) is the provider of the platform and technology of this website, will act as the data controller and undertakes to treat them in accordance with this Privacy Statement. We will process your data to provide you with the services or products that you purchase through the website.
Also, Personal Data may be transferred to third parties acting on our behalf to process it in accordance with the purposes for which it was originally collected or may be processed in another lawful way, such as provision of services (such as payments or logistics), evaluation of website utility, marketing, data management or technical assistance. These third parties have entered into a contract with us to exclusively use the personal data for the agreed purposes and not to sell or disclose your personal data to other third parties, unless required by law, permitted by us or indicated in this Privacy Statement.
We will only store your personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with regulatory or legal requirements.
Once the period is over, the data will be deleted or anonymized in such a way that it cannot be individualized.
The applicable regulations grant you certain rights over your Personal Information, such as: (i) information on the processing of your data; (ii) access to your collected data; (iii) the «anonymization», blocking or deletion of your data; (iv) the revocation of the consent that you previously granted us; (v) the correction of your data when it is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date and (vi) the portability of your personal data to another service or product provider.
You can make any query, claim and / or request regarding your Personal Information at [email protected].
In certain cases, we will keep in our files your personal data that you have asked us to delete to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Statement or when there is a contractual, legal or regulatory duty to maintain your personal information. Once this purpose has been fulfilled or the contractual, legal or regulatory duty has been eliminated, we will proceed to delete your personal data.
If we make changes to the way we process your personal data, you will be notified in advance through individual notification through our usual communication channels (e.g. by email), as well as through our web pages or applications (through banners, pop-ups or other notification mechanisms).